Sunday, February 24, 2008

What is 'communal action'?

The Association of Major Religious Superiors in the Philippines (AMRSP) Statement on the Jun Lozada case provided some concrete suggestions on what may a 'communal action' mean. Communal action may mean that you take active part on the following efforts:
1. Put up TRUTH CAMPS in our community: school, parish, offices and other settings. This can be any place where people can gather to be informed on the latest events in our country, be helped to reflect on these and deepen their awareness of truth, spend some moments of common prayer and light candle for Truth to prevail. Competent persons will assure the constant flow of updates and materials for reflection.
2. Launch SIGNATURE CAMPAIGN FOR TRUTH. For professional groups, please draft your own letter.
3. Join the "FUND DRIVE" or what is also known as the "Sanctuary Fund.
4. Join mass actions, prayer rallies, symposia and other forms of collective actions for truth.

I hope, based on the suggestions, this can be a starting point for all of us to act together and let our voices be heard.

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